Repräsentative Publikationen

  • Ashley, M., Pahl, S., Glegg, G., & Fletcher, S. (2019). A Change of Mind: Applying Social and Behavioral Research Methods to the Assessment of the Effectiveness of Ocean Literacy Initiatives. Frontiers in Marine Science 6DOI Open access
  • Bell, S.L., Hollenbeck, J., Lovell, R., White, M.P. & Depledge, M.H. (2019). The shadows of risk and inequality within salutogenic coastal waters. In Foley, R., Kearns, Kistemann T. & Wheeler, B. (Eds). Blue space, health and wellbeing: Hydrophilia Unbounded (Chp. 10, pp133-156). Oxford: Routledge.
  • Boase, N., White, M.P., Gaze, W., & Redshaw, C. (2019). Why don’t the British eat locally harvested shellfish? The role of misconceptions and knowledge gaps Appetite, 143, 104352.
  • Bratman, G.N, Anderson, C., Berman, M.G, Cochran, B., de Vries, S., Flanders, J., Folke, C., Frumkin, H.,  Gross, J.J., Hartig, T., Kahn, P.H., Kuo, M., Lawler, J.J., Levin, P.S., Lindahl, T., Meyer-Lindenberg A., Mitchell R., Ouyang, Z., Roe, J., Scarlett, L., Smith, J., van den Bosch, M., Wheeler, B.W., White, M.P., Zheng, H., & Daily, G.C. (2019). Daily Nature and Mental Health: An Ecosystem Service Perspective. Science Advances, 5: eaax0903.
  • Chng, S., Abraham, C., White, M. P., & Skippon, S. (2019). To drive or not to drive? A qualitative comparison of car ownership and transport experiences in London and Singapore. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 100030. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2019.100030
  • Chng, S., White, M.P., Abraham, C., & Skippon, S. (2019). Consideration of environmental factors in reflections on car purchases: Attitudinal, behavioural and socio-demographic predictors among a large UK sample. Journal of Cleaner Production, 230,927-936.
  • Depledge, M.H., White, M.P., Maycock, B., & Fleming, L.E. (2019).Time and tide: Our future health and well-being depends on the Oceans. British Medical Journal, 366:l4671.
  • Elliott, L.R., White, M.P., Smalley, A., Sarran, C., Scoccimarro, E., Grellier, J., Garrett, J.K., & Fleming, L.E. (2019). The effects of meteorological conditions and daylight on nature-based recreational physical activity in England. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 42, 39-50.
  • Fleming, L.E., Maycock, B., White, M.P., & Depledge, M.H. (2019). Sustainable Oceans needed to protect and foster Human Health in the 21st Century. People and Nature, DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10038
  • Garrett, J.K., Clitherow, T.J., White, M.P., Elliott, L.R., & Wheeler, B.W., & Fleming, L.E. (2019). Coastal proximity and mental health among urban adults in England: The moderating effect of household income. Health & Place, 59, 102200.
  • Garrett, J., White, M.P., Huang, J., Ng, S., Hui, Z., Leung, C., Tse, S., Fung, F., Elliott, L.R. & Depledge, M.H. & Wong, M. C.S., (2019). The association between blue space exposure, health and wellbeing in Hong Kong. Health & Place, 55, 100-110.
  • Hafner, R.J., Pahl, S., Jones, R.V., & Fuertes, A. (2019). Energy use in social housing residents in the UK and recommendations for developing energy behaviour change interventions. Journal of Cleaner Production 251, 119643-119643DOI Open access
  • Hafner, R.J., Read, D., Elmes, D. & White, M.P. (2019). Exploring the role of normative, financial and environmental information in promoting uptake of energy efficient technologies. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 63, 26-35.
  • Martin, L., Pahl, S., White, M.P., & May, J. (2019). Natural Environments and Craving: the Mediating Role of Negative Affect. Health & Place, 58, 102160. DOI Open access
  • Pasanen, T., White M.P., Wheeler, B., Garrett, J., Elliott, L. (2019). Neighbourhood blue space, health and wellbeing: The mediating role of different types of physical activity. Environment International, 131, 105136.
  • Köhler, J., Lange, J., Lohmann, V., Lemki, V., Dütschke, E., & Hanss, D. (2019). Why do households (not) invest in photovoltaic systems? An empirical exploration of motives, barriers and expectations. Umweltpsychologie, 23(2), 12-37.
  • Richardson, M., Hunt, A., Hinds, J., Bragg, R., Fido, D., Petronzi, D., Barbett, L., Clitherow, T., & White, M.P. (2019). An Affective Measure of Nature Connectedness for Children and Adults: Validation, Performance and Insights. Sustainability, 11, 3250.
  • Song, J., Fry, R., Mizen, A., Akbari, A., Wheeler, B.W., White, M.P., White, J., Lovell, R., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Berridge, D., Lyons, R., Stratton, G., Rodgers, S. (2019). Longitudinal access and exposure to green-blue spaces and individual-level mental health and wellbeing: A study programme protocol for a longitudinal, population-wide record-linked natural experiment BMJ Open,9(4):e027289.
  • Vert, C., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Gascon, M., Grellier, J., Fleming, L.E., White, M.P. & Rojas-Rueda, D. (2019). Health risk assessment of community riverside regeneration in Barcelona. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 16(3): 01.
  • White, M.P., Alcock, I., Grellier, J., Wheeler, B.W., Hartig, T., Warber, S., Bone, A., Depledge, M.H. & Fleming, L.E. (2019). 120 minutes of nature contact per week is positively related to health and wellbeing. Scientific Reports, 9, 7730.
  • Wyles, K.J., Pahl, S., Carroll, L., & Thompson, R.C. (2019). An evaluation of the Fishing For Litter (FFL) scheme in the UK in terms of attitudes, behavior, barriers and opportunities. Marine Pollution Bulletin 144, 48-60DOI Open access
  • Wyles, K., White, M.P., Hattam, C., Pahl, S. & Austin, M. (2019). Nature connectedness and well-being from recent nature visits: The role of environment type and quality. Environment & Behaviour. 51(2), 111-143.