Leonie Fian, MSc

Leonie Fian is a PhD student in the Environmental Psychology Research Group in Vienna. She is particularly interested in pro-environmental behaviours, science communication and effects of nature exposure. Leonie is part of the research platform PLENTY – Plastics in the Environment and Society, investigating plastic pollution in a holistic approach. In her PhD, Leonie is exploring how microplastics in food and drinking water are perceived by different stakeholder groups. The project aims to contribute knowledge on how to effectively communicate uncertainties within science. In previous collaborations with the BOKU Vienna (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) and as part of the BlueHealth Austria project, she has investigated inequalities in access to and use of Blue and Green spaces in Austria. Furthermore, Leonie was member of the board of the association NEPU (Netzwerk Psychologie und Umwelt), that aims to connect interested individuals and to raise public awareness for environmental issues from a psychological perspective.

 Curriculum Vitae

PDF (Sept 2024)

 Leonie's recent publications

Showing entries 7 - 7 out of 7


Showing entries 7 - 7 out of 7

 Leonie's recent Activities

Showing entries 1 - 3 out of 12

Eating and drinking microplastics: Predicting people’s risk perception and policy support using a climate change framework

Leonie Fian
APA Division 34’s Online Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.9.2024 - 26.9.2024

Psychological perspectives on microplastics in food and drink: Insights from qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Leonie Fian
Alps-Adria Psychology Conference 2024
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
12.9.2024 - 12.9.2024

Microplastics in food and drink: Predicting risk perception and policy support using a climate change framework.

Leonie Fian
International Conference Association People-Environment Studies
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
3.7.2024 - 3.7.2024

Showing entries 1 - 3 out of 12

 Leonie's recent media contributions

Showing entries 1 - 3 out of 4

Wie wichtig ist Natur für unser Wohlbefinden?

Leonie Fian

Expert contribution to the "kinderuni.online" research package "Sauber Unterwegs - ein Faktencheck" on the interplay between mobility and climate protection, specifically the question "How important is nature for our well-being?" https://kinderuni.online/kurs/natur-und-wohlbefinden-forschungsprojekt/


G’sund in Österreich – Wasser: Urkraft und Lebenselixier

Leonie Fian

Interview for ORF2 magazine "G'sund in Österreich" on links between blue spaces and human health and well-being

Expert Comment

Die Magie der Vögel - Was Birdwatcher begeistert

Leonie Fian

Interview for 3sat documentary "Die Magie der Vögel - Was Birdwatcher begeistert" about effects of nature contact on human health and well-being, and in particular, the special role of birds

Expert Comment

Showing entries 1 - 3 out of 4