Representative Publications

  • Bell, S., Fleming, L.E., Grellier, J., Kuhlmann, F., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., & White, M.P. (Eds., 2021). Urban Blue Spaces Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being. Routledge.
  • Börger, T., Campbell, D., White, M.P., Elliott, L.R., Garrett, J., Hattam, C., Hynes, S., Ojala, A., Taylor, T., & Fleming, L.E.F. (2021). The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study. Science of the Total Environment, 145597.
  • Davison, S., White, M.P., Pahl, S., Taylor, T. Roberts, B., Economou, T., McMeel, O., Kellert, P., Fielding, K., & Fleming, L.E. (2021). Public concern about, and desire for research into, the human health effects of marine plastic pollution: Results from a 15-country survey across Europe and Australia. Global Environmental Change, 102309.
  • Elliott, L.R., White M.P., Taylor, A.H., Abraham, C. & Fleming, L.E. (2021). Promoting intentions to walk in natural environments through the application of behaviour change theories to recreational walking brochures. Health Promotion International, in press.
  • Elliott, L.R., White, M.P. Zijlema, W., Vert C, & Vassiljev, P. (2021) Assessing city-wide and local health and wellbeing benefits. Chapter 8 in Eds (Bell, Kuhlmann, White, Nieuwenhuijsen, Grellier & Fleming). Urban Blue Spaces Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being. Routledge.
  • Fleming, L.E., Depledge, H.H., Bouley, T., Britton, E., Dupont, S., Eatcok, C., Garside, R., Heymans, J.J., Kellett, P., Lloret, J., Maycock, B., Pahl, S., Philippart, C.J.M., Roberts, B., Thiele, T., White, M.P., & Wuijts, S. (2021). The ocean decade: Opportunities for public health. American Journal of Public Health, 111, 808-811.
  • Geiger, S. J., Brick, C., Nalborczyk, L., Bosshard, A., & Jostmann, N. B. (2021). More green than gray? Toward a sustainable overview of environmental spillover effects: A Bayesian meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, Article e101694.
  • Holland, I., DeVille, N.V., Browning, H.E.M., Buehler, R., Hart, J.E., Hipp, J.A., Mitchell, R., Rakow, D., Schiff, J., White, M.P., Yin, J., & James, P. (2021). Measuring Nature Contact: A Narrative Review. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health, 18, 4092. 
  • Keller, A., Köhler, J. K., Eisen, C., Kleihauer, S., & Hanss, D. (2021). Why consumers shift from single-use to reusable drink cups: An empirical application of the stage model of self-regulated behavioural changeSustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 1672-1687.
  • Madarcos, J.R.V., Creencia, L.A., Roberts, B., White, M.P., Nayoan, J., Morrissey, K., & Fleming, L.E. (2021). Understanding local perceptions of the drivers/pressures on the coastal marine environment in Palawan, Philippines. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:659699.
  • Orr, N., Yeo, N., Dean, S., White, M.P., & Garside, R. (2021). “It makes you feel that you are there”: Exploring the acceptability of virtual reality nature environments for people with memory loss. Geriatrics, 6: 27.
  • * Oturai, N., Pahl, S. & Syberg, K. (2022). How can we test plastic pollution perceptions and behavior? A feasibility study on Danish children participating in “the Mass Experiment”. Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150914.
  • Pearson, A.L., Horton, T., Pfeiffer, K.A., Buxton, R., Gardiner, J., Liu, W., Hunter, R.F. & White, M.P. (2021). Contact with nature as a mental health buffer for lower income communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3, 688473.
  • Pouso, S., Borja, A., Fleming, L.E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., White, M.P. & Uyarra, M.C. (2021). Maintaining contact with blue-green spaces during the Covid19 pandemic associated with positive mental health. Science of the Total Environment, 756, 143984.
  • Richter, I., Avillanosa, A., Cheung, V., Goh, H. C., Johari, S., Kay, S., Maharja, C., Nguyen, T. H., Pahl, S., Sugarjito, J., Sumeldan, J., Nguyen, Q. V., Vu, H. T., Syazana, W. N. & Austen. M. C. (2021). Looking through the COVID-19 window of opportunity: Future scenarios arising from the COVID-19 pandemic across five case study sites. Frontiers in Psychology Organizational Psychology, 12, 1-12.
  • Richter, I., Gabe-Thomas, E., Maharja, C., Nguyen, T. H., Praptiwi, R., Pahl, S. (2021). Virtual capacity building for international research collaborations in times of COVID-19 and# Flygskam. Frontiers in Communication, 5, 146.
  • Rickard, S. C. & White, M.P. (2021). Barefoot walking, nature connectedness and psychological restoration: The importance of stimulating the sense of touch for feeling closer to the natural world. Landscape Research, 46, 975-991.
  • Roberts, B., White, M.P., Davison, S., McMeel, O., Kellert, P., & Fleming, L.E. (2021). Public preferences for policy intervention to protect public health from maritime activities: A 14 European country study. Global Environmental Change, 71, 102397.
  • Ruggeri, K., Većkalov, B., Bojanić, L., … Geiger, S. J., … M., Cikara, M., Lees, J., & Folke T (2021). The general fault in our fault lines. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-15.
  • Sekhar Mishra, H., Bell, S., Grellier, J. & White, M.P. (2021). Testing the reliability and effectiveness of a new tool for assessing urban blue spaces: The BlueHealth Environmental Assessment Tool (BEAT). Health & Place, 68, 102526.
  • Steg, L., Perlaviciute, G., Sovacool, B., Bonaiuto, M., Diekmann, A., Filippini, M., Hindriks, F., Jakobsson Bergstad, C., Matthies, E., Matti, S., Mulder, M., Nilsson, A., Pahl, S., Roggenkamp, M., Schuitema, G., Stern, P. C., Tavoni, M., Thøgersen, J. & Woerdman, E. (2021). A research agenda to better understand the human dimensions of energy transitions. Frontiers in Psychology Environmental Psychology, 12: 672776.
  • Syberg, K., Nielsen, M. B., Westergaard Clausen, L. P., Van Calster, G., Van Wezel, A., Rochman, C., Koelmans, A. A., Cronin, R., Pahl, S., Foss Hansen, S. Regulation of plastic from a circular economy perspective. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry.
  • Tanis, C. C., Leach, N., Geiger, S. J., Nauta, F., Dablander, F., van Harreveld, F., … Blanken, T. (2021). Smart Distance Lab Art Fair - An experimental data set on social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Scientific Data, 8, Article e179.
  • van den Bogerd, Elliott, L.R., White, M.P., Sekhar Mishra, H., Bell, S., Porter, M,, Sydenham, Z., Garrett, J.K., & Fleming, L.E. (2021). Urban blue space renovation and local resident and visitor well-being: A case study from Plymouth, UK. Landscape and Urban Planning, 215, 104232.
  • van Valkengoed, A. M., Steg, L., Perlaviciute, G., Schultz, P. W., Brosch, T., Gatersleben, B., Nordlund, A., Pahl, S. & Whitmarsh, L. (2021). Theory enhances impact. Reply to: ‘The case for impact-focused environmental psychology’. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 75, 101597.
  • Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C., Miller, J., … Geiger, S. J., … IJzerman, H., Forscher, P. S., & Moshontz, H. (2021). A global test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-22.
  • Wyer, N. A., Hollins, T. & Pahl, S. (2021). Remembering Social Events: A Construal Level Approach. Personal and Social Psychology Bulletin, doi: 10.1177/01461672211038188.
  • White, M.P., Elliott, L.R., Gascon, M., Roberts, B., and Fleming, L.E., (2021) Potential benefits of blue space for human health and well-being. Chapter 2 in Eds (Bell, Kuhlmann, White, Nieuwenhuijsen, Grellier & Fleming). Urban Blue Spaces Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being. Routledge.
  • White, M.P., Elliott, L.R. Grellier, J., Economou, T., Bell, S., Bratman G.N., Criach, M., Gascon, M., Ojala, A, Roiko, A., Lima, M.L., Lohmus, M., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Schultz, P. W., van den Bosch, M.A., & Fleming, L.E. (2021). Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries. Scientific Reports, 11, 8903.