Dr. Kimberly Crystal Doell, a postdoctoral researcher at NYU in the Social Identity and Morality Lab and currently collaborator at SCAN-UNIT at the University of Vienna, visited the EnvPsyTeam. The focus of her presentation was on the topic: designing many-lab collaborations. According to Kimberley Doell, behavioral science relies on
two new approaches: "Many labs studies and mega-studies. Many labs studies involve the same study being conducted by different research teams around the world. [...] Another new approach in behavioral science is the mega-study, in which different interventions are tested for the same outcome in a given population."
Kimberley Doell explained pros and cons of each approach and provided detailed insights into her current project: Mega-ManyLabs Climate Study
In a second part, she shared with the team numerous interesting and very useful tips and tricks for designing own massive collaboration.
Thanks for your visit!
Check www.kimdoell.com for more info on Kimberly Doell and her work.