Sandra Geiger, MSc

Sandra Geiger is a PhD researcher in the Environmental Psychology Research Group with Mathew White and Sabine Pahl. Before joining the University of Vienna, she completed a research master’s in Social Psychology and Psychological Methods at the University of Amsterdam.

Her work focuses broadly on pro-environmental behavior change, including what people think others think about environmental problems (second-order beliefs), as well as how interventions influence non-targeted behaviors (spillover effects). She is also interested in Bayesian statistics and hopes to contribute to making psychological research more transparent, reproducible, and sustainable.

She is affiliated with the Junior Researcher Programme where she helps to develop the scientific aspects of the program, including organizing a summer school and implementing open science.

 Curriculum Vitae

PDF (November 2023)

 Sandra's recent publications

Showing entries 1 - 3 out of 20


Vlasceanu M, Doell KC, Bak-Coleman JB, Todorova B, Berkebile-Weinberg MM, Grayson SJ et al. Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries. Science Advances. 2024 Feb 7;10(6):eadj5778. doi: 10.31234/, 10.1126/sciadv.adj5778

Ruggeri K, Stock F, Haslam SA, Capraro V, Boggio P, Ellemers N et al. A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID-19. Nature. 2024 Jan 4;625(7993):134-147. Epub 2023. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06840-9


Geiger SJ, Vintr J, Rachev NR. A reassessment of the Resistance to Framing scale. Behavior Research Methods. 2023 Aug;55(5):2320-2332. Epub 2022 Jul 18. doi: 10.3758/s13428-022-01876-7

Showing entries 1 - 3 out of 20

 Sandra' s recent activities

Showing entries 4 - 6 out of 28

What We Think Others Think About Environmental Problems: Misperceptions and the Effectiveness of Consensus Messages Around the Globe

Sandra Geiger
Talk or oral contribution
.4.2024 - .4.2024

Coastal proximity and visits are associated with better health across 15 countries

Sandra Geiger
Talk or oral contribution
.3.2024 - .3.2024

What We Think Others Think About Environmental Problems: Misperceptions and the Effectiveness of Consensus Messages Around the Globe

Sandra Geiger
Talk or oral contribution
.3.2024 - .3.2024

Showing entries 4 - 6 out of 28