Aybüke Özdamar, MSc
Aybüke Özdamar is conducting her PhD in Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Germany and currently doing her secondment at the environmental psychology group at University of Vienna. Her research under Horizon2020 funded LimnoPlast project is to develop robust proposals on how to assess and to mitigate the impacts of microplastics. For this reason, the work intends to tackle the microplastics (MPs) issue from broader perspective. Within this research, she is combining the knowledge about sources, fate and sinks of MPs in order to develop behavioral, policy and technical mitigation measure recommendations by assessing their impacts.
Aybüke Özdamar has BSc. in Environmental Engineering and obtained her MSc. in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management at Lund University (Sweden), University of Manchester (UK) and Central European University (Hungary).